Doors Open Day

Dorim sa le multumim tuturor invitatilor ce ne-au onorat cu prezenta la primul eveniment GRATUIT “ZiuaPortilorDeschise” din data de 28 octombrie 2022, eveniment organizat de CLASS Training srl , singurul centru de training din Romania acreditat NEBOSH pentru cursuri internationale HSE.
A fost o zi interesanta in care s-au intalnit fosti cursanti ai centrului nostru ce au participat la cursurile trecute atat in varianta fizica la clasa, cat si in varianta live online, profesionisti HSE care au dorit sa afle mai multe informatii despre calificarile NEBOSH pe care CLASS Training le ofera in Romania si international, traineri, precum si un reprezentant al NEBOSH.
S-au adresat intrebari, s-au impartasit idei si s-a oferit un feedback valoros din partea tuturor. In acelasi timp, ii multumim lui Damian Hampson din partea NEBOSH, pentru informatiile deosebite pe care le-a oferit participantilor. Nu in ultimul rand, ne exprimam aprecierea pentru interventia trainerilor care au comunicat detalii din experianta lor de aproximativ 10 ani ca si formatori pentru aceste calificari.
Ne bucuram ca a fost o zi relaxanta, deschisa dialogului si in urma careia s-au legat conexiuni.
Asteptam cu nerabdare organizarea viitoarelor evenimente.

We would like to thank all the guests who honored us with their presence at the first FREE event “Doors Open Day” on October 28th 2022, an event organized by CLASS Training srl, the only NEBOSH accredited training center in Romania for international HSE courses.

It was an interesting day in which we met former trainees of our center who attended the past courses both in the physical version in the classroom and in the live online version, HSE professionals who wanted to learn more about the NEBOSH qualifications that CLASS Training offers in Romania and internationally, trainers, as well as a representative of NEBOSH.

Questions were asked, ideas were shared and valuable feedback was provided by all. At the same time, we would like to thank Damian Hampson from NEBOSH for the great information he provided to the participants. Last but not least we express our appreciation for the intervention of the trainers who shared details of their 10 years of experience as trainers for these qualifications.

We are glad that it was a relaxed day, open to dialogue and as a result of which connections were made.

We are looking forward to future events.

Happy to help for more details:

Phone: +40 318 006 139

