Multi dintre noi folosim expresia “persoana competenta”, insa este important sa cunoastem ce inseamna competenta.

Pornind de la definitia persoanei competente (Health and Safety Executive UK) in care o persoana competenta este o persoana ce are cursurile necesare cat si experienta/ cunostintele sau alte calitati/abilitati in a-si exercita rolul la locul de munca in siguranta si eficient, o echipa formata din persoane pregatite aduce un avantaj major companiei in care lucreaza.

Un rol crucial in formarea unei echipe competente il detine managerul competent. Un manager HSE pregatit are cunostintele necesare in a recunoaste hazardele si riscuile, dar si autoritatea de a le indrepta, castigand astfel respectul colegilor si a colaboratorilor. Un exemplu destul de simplu, ar fi al unui superior care cunoaste foarte bine legislatia, insa atunci cand merge pe un santier nu este capabil sa recunoasca hazardurile sau nu are autoritatea necesara in fata colegilor de a corecta o activitate ce s-ar putea finaliza cu un incident/accident.

Managerul competent intelege cultura organizationala si cultura safety, ajutand astfel la dezvoltarea intelegerii culturii safety de catre angajati, dar si ajutandu-i in a-si dezvolta abilitatile si cunostintele necesare muncii prestate prin diverse modalitati cum ar fi instruirea. Cu cat o echipa va fi mai pregatita, cu atat aceasta va fi mai apta sa desfasoare sarcinile in siguranta, acest lucru aducand o influenta pozitiva in cultura safety.

Pandemia COVID-19 ne-a invatat ca oricand companiile trebuie sa fie pregatite pentru neprevazut. Organizatiile in cadrul carora sunt echipe competente cu prespective avansate, vor trece cu o mai mare usurinta peste provocarile conjuncturii actuale. Planificarea continua face parte din atributiile unui manager pregatit, astfel incat atunci cand o situatie neasteptata intervine, sa nu perturbe fluxul companiei. Mai mult decat oricand, sanatatea si securitatea la locul de munca sunt cruciale in continuarea unei afaceri in aceasta perioada de Pandemie. O echipa competenta va stii sa se adapteze cu usurinta la noi proceduri robuste implementate de catre angajator, astfel incat noile modificari sa nu afecteze buna desfasurare a muncii prestate.

Comunicarea intotdeauna a jucat un rol esential in domeniul safety si nu numai. Planificarea si implementarea unei infrastructuri avansate din punct de vedere a tehnologiei, aduc un real avantaj competitiv companiilor ce au avut astfel de perspective, trecand cu usurinta in situatia curenta, peste aceasta provocare unde comunicarea si apropierea sociala intampina dificultati.

Avand in vedere cele de mai sus, vremurile actuale ne-au invatat ca avem instrumentele necesare pentru a ne adapta la timp unor mari provocari, insa o perspectiva avansata a unei echipe competente este importanta pentru depasirea acestora fara mari dificultati.

Articolul a fost publicat in Ghidul HSE Romania – Editia 2020 GOVNET

Many of us use the term “competent person”, but it is important to know what competence means.

Starting from the definition of the competent person (according to the Health and Safety Executive UK) in which a competent person is a “person who has the necessary courses as well as experience/ knowledge or other qualities/ skills in exercising his role at work, safely and effectively”, a team of trained people brings a major advantage to the company in which they work.

A crucial role in building a competent team is played by the competent manager. A trained HSE manager has the necessary knowledge to recognize hazards and risks, but also the authority to correct them, thus gaining the respect of colleagues and collaborators. A simple example would be of a manager who knows the law very well, but when he goes on a construction site he is not able to recognize hazards or does not have the necessary authority in front of colleagues to correct an activity that could end with an incident/ accident.

The competent manager understands the organizational safety culture, thus helping to develop the understanding of safety culture by employees, but also helping them to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for the work performed, through various means, such as training. The more prepared a team is, the better able it will be to perform tasks safely, bringing a positive influence to the safety culture.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us that companies must always be prepared for the unexpected at all times. Organizations within which there are competent teams with advanced perspectives will more easily overcome the challenges of the current climate. Continuous planning is part of the duties of a trained/prepared manager, so that when an unexpected situation occurs, it does not disrupt the flow of the company. More than ever, health and safety at work are crucial to continuing a business during this pandemic. A competent team will know how to easily adapt to new robust procedures, implemented by the employer, so that the new changes do not affect the good performance of the work performed.

Communication has always played an essential role in safety and beyond. The planning and implementation of an advanced infrastructure in terms of technology bring a real competitive advantage to companies that have had such perspectives, easily overcoming, in the current situation, over this challenge, where communication and social rapprochement encounter difficulties.

Given the above, current times have taught us that we have the tools to adapt, in time, to great challenges, but an advanced perspective of a competent team is important to overcome them without great difficulty.

This article was published in the Romanian HSE Guide – 2020 Edition of GOVNET

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